Horse Tales

Thursday, September 28, 2006

What a day!

I started my day with a bit of excitment when my dishwasher drain hose sprung a leak. Thank goodness I had decided to start it before leaving the house instead of hitting the delayed start button like I usually do. It wasn't long before water started pouring out from under the sink, all over my floor! I quickly shut off the washer and threw some towels down to soak up the water, but had to leave because I was running late and I had a training course to get to by 9:00. I called my handy man, who promised to stop over and fix it today. The rest of the day was taken up with meetings, phone calls, email, spreadsheets, and cranky people. It has been a long day in a long week, and I want to get to the barn and be with my horse.

Shiloh has a canker infection in one of his feet and he needs regular treatments, which consist of soaking his foot for about 45 minutes and then applying a topical antibiotic, which is really a medicine that is used for cow mastitis! I have a big canvas boot that I fit on Shiloh's foot, and then I pour in the soaking fluid (white lightning, vinegar, and water). He stands in the wash stall calmly, just watching and waiting. He actually likes the wash stall because he can look up and down the aisle and people stop and talk to him and give him treats. He loves treats, and he loves attention.

Being in the barn is so theraputic for me. After a long, tough day I am reminded of the things that really matter--shelter, nourishment, and companionship. I love to be in the barn at feeding time when no one else is there and you can hear the horses all munching their hay contentedly. I enjoy going out later at night when the barn is quiet and the horses are all dozing. And when I come down the aisle and hear Shiloh nicker to me when I call his name--well, that's a bit of heaven! So I'm off to get my barn fix!


Blogger jiffypete said...

welcome to bloging. Dad had mentioned you where on and I got your site from Trudy. (Family ties.) Your Story about the water reminded me when I was watching Dad's house I stopped by earlier than usual and found a leak. I think God watches after us if we but listen.

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from another of Philippa's readers!

I hope Shiloh's foot is better soon: and a 'barn fix' sounds like a wonderful thing.

12:57 AM  
Blogger Louise said...

Ah, the dreaded dishwasher leak. What a mess than can make!

Give Shiloh a treat and a rub from me. I hope the foot gets better real soon.

1:55 PM  

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