I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family. We always gather at the home of my older brother and his wife, and the group includes both families--brother's and sister-in-law's. We share the cooking and cleaning up, and we all hang out and talk, play games, read, watch TV, shop, see a movie--it's relaxing and fun. SIL and I used to create elaborate meals (we are usually together Thursday--Sunday morning) that took up most of our time. One year I don't think I ever left the kitchen. We'd prepare special breakfasts, snacks, appetizers, and dinners. We finally figured out that we don't need to do that--it would be ok if we have simple meals and enjoy ourselves with other activities. This year we had the pleasure of eating delicious stuffed shells with homemade tomato gravy, all created by my other SIL (aka, Phillipa). I'm afraid she spent too much time in the kitchen doing that, but my oh my it was delicious!
Time with family is precious, especially as my parents are getting older and have more health problems that sometimes keep them from traveling. And the younger generation is at a stage where they will have their own lives, their own holiday traditions, and their own schedules to keep. My nephew was unable to join us this year, and he was missed. Family. Can't live with 'em; can't live without 'em! I am very, very blessed in my family--immediate and extended!
The only thing missing was my animal family--dogs were at the kennel and horses at the barn. I ride tonight after more than a week off, and I have a lesson. That should be interesting...