What I learned this week
On Monday I had my lesson, and I opted to ride a friend's horse so that I could have a cantering lesson. I can canter on Poncho, but I'm not ready for Shiloh yet. My lesson went very well; we had several good canters with nice transitions, and I felt steady, secure, and confident. My trainer, who hasn't really seen me canter much, was surprised and pleased at my progress. At the end of the lesson, we went for one more canter. Everything was going smoothly, until we rounded the corner and came down a long side. Poncho hit a soft spot in the ring and he tripped, and started going down. I gathered the reins and pulled him up, but not before my head snapped back in a little whiplash motion. (My neck is a little stiff, but it's ok; it wasn't like a car accident or anything!) I made him keep trotting for a few steps, then pulled him up. I patted his neck and sat there smiling.
So what did I learn from this? Well, a year ago, I would have freaked out when he tripped. I might even have come off, because it was a big trip and I was thrown off balance. I would definitely have screamed--that's what I do instinctively when something bad or painful happens to me. My trainer has been trying to get me to stop doing that, because it usually spooks a horse, but it's hard to break instinctive habits. Anyway, none of these things happened! I stayed on, I didn't freak out, and I didn't scream. Me, who has never done anything athletic in my life until I started riding! Me, who has been so fearful of the speed and power of the canter! Me, who is so afraid of coming off! So I learned that I am stronger and a better rider than I thought. I learned that habits can be broken. I learned that it is important to keep trying new things--to push yourself to do those things that are a little scary and uncomfortable. I learned that I really, really love to ride.
And it was so much fun!!